Katherine Blount

Twitter Website

Saturday, 25 May 2013

More and my website...

I promise to keep this blog updated more now that I am leaving University. But you can also see my work here on my website, or on my tumblr.

More third year work updates:
 The idea behind this cover was to try and get away from depicting the characters but try and create a more sophisticated cover because after all Wind in the Willows is a classic for all ages. ( I read Wind in the Willows for the first time to complete this project, so not just a book for children.)

This image is just a one off image, I was trying to appeal to a younger audience and was thinking about turning it into a complete children's book. I've got to think of a story first though!


  1. I love your work, would you mind telling me what media you use because I would like to use your style in my school artwork. Thankyou.

    1. Thank you! The images are done using inks (a few different makes and brands) on watercolour paper, hope that helps. Good luck with your school work!

  2. Thank you, you have helped very much.
